June 9, 2012

Award for My 500 Follower


Oyeah! Oyeah! My followers already up to 502 now. Thanks for Zati for the segmen. And, ingat lagi tak dulu-II I pernah janji nak bagi Award at my 500 follower. Well, she actually come from the same segmen. Thank you Anzulna :) This is for you :>

Sorry tak seberapa. And dafuq tepi dia tu terpotong? Urghh, sorry Anzulna. Hope awak terima seadanya :'(


  1. gluppp~ r u sure its me?
    tq dear. tq so much.
    keep in touch yea. :)

  2. Yes-II, this is yours :>
    You're welcome..........


~ Mind your words. I ain't dealing with rude people. ~